Tuesday 2 March 2010

tank killer

Except for a few trial vehicles, Covenanters were never deployed outside of the British Isles. The British 1st Armoured Division was equipped initially with them, but when it was sent to Egypt, the tanks were transferred to the 9th Armoured Division. Eventually a handful of vehicles were sent to the desert for service trials and were allocated to the REME for maintenance and evaluation. It is not clear if these tanks were ever used in combat although the unit markings indicate they may have been deployed alongside Kingforce with their experimental Churchill Mk II tanks. Covenanters were also issued to some Polish units formed in the UK; they were replaced before these units were sent to the frontline, except for a few bridgelayers the Poles retained and used in their advance through Belgium and the Netherlands. The only Covenanter gun armed tank known to have been lost to enemy action was destroyed by a German air raid on 31 May 1942 in Canterbury. Bridgelayer versions were also extensively used by the Australian forces in the Pacific Campaign. 

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