Wednesday 17 March 2010

Portchester Castle

This ruined castle in Hampshire stands overlooking the coast. A ghost of a monk dressed in a robe and hood has been seen on many occasions in the castle grounds and A White Lady, thought to be Charlotte White ... .....Ancient Portchester Castle is reputed to have several ghosts and there is frequent satanic witchcraft ritual evidence found within the graveyard. Many locals claim to have seen The White Lady who prowls the battlements. The Castle is mentioned in some of Peter Underhill's ghost hunting books. Portchester Castle was first built by the Romans, who found the natural cove at the top of Portsmouth Harbour to be an ideal anchorage for ships, and built a substantial fort to defent their naval base. Most of the Roman walls survive to this day, and used by the Saxons to build a more substantial castle once the Roman Empire in England has collapsed. When the Normans conquered England in 1066, William the Conqueror gifted land across the country to his loyal followers, both to reward them and to control the native Saxons. The Domesday book, a record of English land ownership in 1086, recorded that William Mauduit owned the Castle at Portchester, and had built a Norman Keep (tower) in the North West corner of the Roman walls.The Medieval Kings of England often stayed at Portchester Castle. It proved a suitable location for hunting in the nearby Forest of Bere, and also for staying the night before sailing across the Channel to English possessions in France. King John often stayed at the Castle, Richard II built a magnificent Palace in the inner bailey (courtyard), and both Edward III and Henry V assembled their armies at Portchester before sailing to victory at the battles of Crecy and Agincourt (the soldier seen above is from hachette)File:Portchester castle 04.jpgPortchester Castle is a medieval castle built within a former Roman fort at Portchester to the east of Fareham in the English county of Hampshire. Probably founded in the late 11th century, Portchester was a baronial castle taken under royal control in 1154. The monarchy controlled the castle for several centuries and it was a favoured hunting lodge of KingJohn. It was besieged and captured by the French in 1216 before being returned to English control.
Occupying a commanding position at the head of Portsmouth Harbour, in the medieval period Portchester was an important port. The castle saw the disembarkation for several campaigns to France led by England's kings. In anticipation of a French invasion during the first quarter of the 14th century, Edward II spent £1,100 repairing and reinforcing Portchester Castle. A plot to overthrow Henry V was discovered and the culprits apprehended at Portchester, the event features in Shakespeare's play, Henry V. Later in its history, the castle was used as a prison.
Today Portchester Castle is a Scheduled Ancient Monument,and a Grade I listed building.[ The castle has been in the ownership of the Southwick Estate since the 17th century but is managed by English Heritage and open to visitors throughout the year.[The Norman church, St. Mary's, which stands in the south-east corner of the grounds, falls within theAnglican Diocese of Portsmouth.

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