Mokarex were made by Historex and unlike the sometimes wooden stances of the Historex kits these figures were full of life and animation. They also followed populat T.V series like this one.
Thierry la Fronde is a French television series, went on air from 1963 to 1966. The subject and the screenplay was by Jean-Claude Deret; directing was entrusted to Robert Guez for the first two series and Pierre Goutas for the third and fourth series.

A picture I took of one of my britains , in about 1982 I was strolling down a street in Mestre when i came upon one of those old Toyshhops still hanging onto the 1960's . I went in and saw a bunch of these old Britains.the rest is history
In Italy it was broadcast on national programme under the children's TV.

the love action in the series i suppose was from this one another figure from mokarex
The story is set in the 14th century, during the hundred years ' war. Much of France is occupied by England and King John II is a prisoner of the British. The French are oppressed by Edward the Black Prince, son of King Edward III of England. A young French nobleman, Thierry de Janville, decide to oppose to the British but was betrayed by his intendant Florent and loses the title and the lands. Thierry manages to flee into the forest, where he joined other young and you give to banditry to fight against the English. As his weapon of choice is the Slingshot, is nicknamed "Thierry la Fronde" (Thierry Slingshot).

Nel 1360 il re di Francia Giovanni II è tenuto prigioniero in Inghilterra, mentre il Principe del Galles (il Principe Nero) occupa il centro del paese gettando le popolazioni locali nel terrore. Thierry de Janville (interpretato dal belga Jean-Claude Drouot) detto “Thierry La Fronde”, deciso a liberare il re in terra straniera, viene catturato e gettato in prigione. Riuscito a evadere, si mette a capo di un manipolo di eroi per difendere i più deboli dagli oppressori. Sull’onda di serie analoghe come
Ivanhoe (1958) e
Guglielmo Tell (1958), Jean-Claude Deret è il creatore di un personaggio inventato ma che ha più di un riferimento con Giovanna d’Arco e la Guerra dei Cent’anni. Tra gli altri personaggi ricorrenti del serial: Bertrand (Jean Bras), Jehan (Robert Rollis), Isabelle (Céline Léger), Florent (che ha il volto di Jean-Claude Deret, l’ideatore del telefilm), Martin (Clément Michu), Pierre (Bernard Rousselet), Boucicault (Robert Bazil) e Judas (Fernard Bellan). La colonna sonora è composta da Jacques Loussier
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